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so you're on neocities. you probably like these bad boys:

bee all you can bee blinkie penguin blinkie cat dad blinkie

a small collection of blinkies.

blinkies are one of many types of nostalgic pixel decorations. these are all about 20x150 pixels, however there's the 88x31 style, among literally anything anyone wants to put on the internet. the point is that pixels are LITTLE and these images are little! how do they look so crisp??

css has an image-rendering property that i use to ensure my gifs aren't turned into fuzzy garbage. here's a blinkie with the default image rendering setting:

when fruit go bad blinkie

a blurry mess.. sad to look at...

for crispness, my other blinkies use a blinkie class i define like so:

.blinkie {
    image-rendering: crisp-edges;

and that's it. now they look clean and sharp. my personal preference, though there's something special about the blur.

teddy bear lover blinkie

alternate to crisp-edges, some people use the pixelated value. i honestly can't distinguish the difference between these two. the image-rendering property goes a little deeper it seems, but this is where i check out! see links below for more information.